Set Creator

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Patreon Goals: 100 - Big Sets improvements and upgrades with many new modules.

Your Sets

What is this?

Set Creator is a work in progress tool that allows you to make custom sets and classes. Unrelated content and abandoned sets (inactive for 6+ months) might be removed. Do not use the set creator to dump random cards it will be deleted.

How do I use Set Creator?

Press "Create New Set" and give it a name. Click on it to open and add some modules. Recommended modules for a set are "Set Introduction" -> "Set Features" -> "Cards". After that, you can fill each module by pressing "Edit" button in the top right corner. Some modules can have multiple different features. You can add new features to a module by using buttons at the bottom.

How do I make a Class?

You can use any module in any way you like, their names are just a suggestion. Recommended modules for a Class are "Class Introduction" -> "Class Features" -> "Cards" and if you want "Deck Recipes" that allow you to add up to three decks showcasing different ways to play your class.