Frozen Remains - Custom Hearthstone Card

Frozen Remains

30th November, 2019 (RR)

Stevethebarbarian 4 years ago
It aged just fine. This card probably wouldn't be run in Galakrond Shaman, even back when Dragon's Pack was so monstrously strong. It's a 0/2/1 Rush with Overload: 2. Just like I predicted, that's not a good card.
Kosmyc (3.5)4 years ago
That comment didn't age well @Shoemanband
Shoemanband 4 years ago
With Shaman Galakrond revealed, this is pretty weak.
Cosmic14 4 years ago
Is this card balanced? That Remains to be seen!
DestroyerR 4 years ago
@Stevethebarbarian it’s worth around ~1.5 Mana (Based on Shield of Galakrond, Manic Cultist and others). As this is Overload rather than normal cost, I’d say this is perfectly balanced
Stevethebarbarian 4 years ago
I'm not quite sure about this being "strong" though. All the Invoke effects so far have been pretty clearly worth 1 mana or a bit less.
Warlock can Discover a lackey for 1 mana, so adding a random one is worth a bit less. Discovering a minion is less than 1 mana, so adding a random Priest minion is worth a bit less. Two 1/1s are worth 1 mana, though they are quite strong for that, as demonstrated by Alley Cat, Posessed Villager, Mecharoo, Murmy, ect. Finally, giving your hero 3 attack could be read as "deal 3 damage" with a slight downside, and thus is just a pretty great effect for 1 mana, but worth less than 2. In short, the Shaman Galkrond's HP will likely be worth about 1 Mana, and thus this should probably only Overload for 1.
Emrakin 4 years ago
I think this is fair, invoking Galakrond is clearly a really strong effect espectially with the synergy cards to support it, two of these could cause multiple minions to become insanely strong. With the overload synergies coming too i think this is a really nice idea for a shaman spell.
kermitthedog 4 years ago
This is pretty cool but we don't really know what the shaman Galakrond is yet so it is a bit hard to judge the balance.
DestroyerR 4 years ago
@DryBowser oh wow, what an astoundingly well-articulated argument! You should be really proud of yourself.

Awesome card
DryBowser 4 years ago
This card is useless. Have it Overload 1, idiot.