Spade of Splendor - Custom Hearthstone Card

Spade of Splendor

28th August, 2020 (RR)

Made by Marleon

Kosmyc (3.5)3 years ago
Why are all these dumb kids quoting me?
~Sun Tzu
Kapiork (3.9)3 years ago
Am I missing something?
drakesonofthedragons 3 years ago
Best card in the galery
keyvnn9 3 years ago
No, that must be Mark Twain
Cosmic14 3 years ago
If fighting is sure to result in victory, they you must FIGHT! - Sun tsu probably
Poondaedalin 3 years ago
MAGGOTS! *bonk*
Kapiork (3.9)3 years ago
I know Mage/Priest/Warlock/neutral weapons shouldn't have attack, but c'mon, shouldn't you be able to smack people with a shovel?
Marleon (4.2) (creator)3 years ago
An idea for a legendery weapon inspired by the Sphere of Sapience. What do you think about it?