Bugs & Suggestions - Custom Hearthstone Card

Bugs & Suggestions

3rd January, 2014 ( Basic)

Made by Nikko

Cards older than 6 months can't be voted on.

Nikko (creator)3 months ago (sticked)
Hello . This card is for reporting bugs with HearthCards creator/Gallery or to leave a suggestion for new features. Please use the Friendly Chat card for everything else. :treeLove:
Nikko (creator)1 week ago
Importer updated :treeLove:
CakeIsGood 1 week ago
Nikko is working on it with lots of other cool features aswell
Fzz 1 week ago
Would like if we had someway to filter cards in the galery by card type (like Hero card, weapon, etc) Not sure if it already is there and I'm just blind
Pokpokleo 1 week ago
@noobking1, yeah exactly
noobking1 1 week ago
I'm assuming they mean the "sets" category in the display alongside battlegrounds, new cards, best of all time etc.
Nikko (creator)1 week ago
@Pokpokleo, what's that?
Pokpokleo 1 week ago

Can we have the "Set Zone" on mobile too ?
DustenStein 2 weeks ago
Yes. Please only use this for bugs and suggestions
HDkiller_45 2 weeks ago
@Kapiork, 1984 happened
Nekkro 2 weeks ago
@Kapiork, Cause Nikko said that we only can use this card to explicitly reporting a bug or leaving a suggestion and nothing else.
So we are both breaking the law righ now.
Kapiork 2 weeks ago
The hell happened here? What's up with that chain of [deleted]? Is it just because it was not a bug report or a suggestion?
Pokpokleo 3 weeks ago
Can we get an emote of this
Everyone love finley 

With the tag :cookerFinley: for example
(I'm asking again because I hadn't posted the request in the right place)
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Pokpokleo 3 weeks ago
@BouncyBear, import it, create a copy and remove the first one
BouncyBear 3 weeks ago
Can there be a way to remove one of your cards from the queue without removing it from your collection?
Nikko (creator)3 weeks ago
@EternalTree, You don't have to use something if you think it's useless or you don't like it. But thank you for diminishing my work. It's always nice to read something like this
EternalTree 3 weeks ago
Add hidden status for sets.
Like it was before useless rework.