Friendly Chat - Custom Hearthstone Card

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Friendly Chat

3rd January, 2014 ( Basic)

Made by Nikko

Cards older than 6 months can't be voted on.

DustenStein 1 year ago (sticked)
Here's a link to our Discord server:
FriendlyShadow 9 hours ago
would be good to know if you allow me or not
FriendlyShadow 9 hours ago
im asking if it's fine that I have two accounts
FriendlyShadow 9 hours ago
to know if it's allowed to have two accounts
DustenStein 9 hours ago
I mean, you already have two why are you asking now?
FriendlyShadow 9 hours ago
Am asking if there's a rule that says you can't have two accounts
FriendlyShadow 9 hours ago
Multiple accounts are allowed here?
DustenStein 10 hours ago
I didn't delete anything my guy
FriendlyShadow 10 hours ago
so you can have multiple accounts, right?
Ganrben 13 hours ago
why did you delete my comment
Ganrben 13 hours ago
@DustenStein, dawg what did i do
DustenStein 13 hours ago
If I had a nickel for every user who deleted their account and then came back right after with the same name I'm not going to finish the joke
FriendlyShadow 16 hours ago
Can I have multiple accounts? Is it against the rules or something?
GivePatchesCharge 1 day ago
Trying to make a custom class and therefore custom card layouts. If someone here had done one before, how did you do it? Had proven very difficult for me so far
PanaDoll 3 days ago
im too young for that meme what is it
Ganrben 3 days ago
@PanaDoll, "show us your most memorable edges"
DustenStein 3 days ago
good luck everyone
PanaDoll 4 days ago
right but problem is even after the 100% the card's still not being generated. i'm using google through microsoft edge
DustenStein 4 days ago
it does for me
FriendlyShadow 4 days ago
@PanaDoll, it is also worth looking at what search engine you are using. The page doesn't work for me with Firefox for some reason.
DustenStein 4 days ago
as for the second part, you should wait for the "100%" to turn into the card link, or else the card might not appear if you leave that page
DustenStein 4 days ago
seems like simple bad internet issues. I have those sometimes too when the connection is bad
PanaDoll 4 days ago
the card link is taking forever to upload, and a lot of the times even when it reaches 100%, the card goes absent like i never generated it and doesnt even show up in "My Cards". whats going awn
daedbread 4 days ago
@Murozondy, that makes sense. So the one i posted is the current first voided card

@HelloIAmGuanYu, i guess. Maybe no one ever noticed when it was added
DustenStein 4 days ago
The old void cards probably just didn't transfer to the new void
HelloIAmGuanYu 4 days ago
@daedbread, So the void didn't exist until 2023? I thought it was there long ago
Murozondy 4 days ago
there are much much older cards into the void. void probably has a limited number of visible cards.
daedbread 4 days ago
@BaconTreant, after clicking through 149 pages of void i found this as the first card

posted by spinozist on 13th January 2023

BaconTreant 5 days ago
What is the first voided card
Burgermaker 6 days ago

DustenStein 1 week ago
I believe you do it from the set creator. You could try checking whether the set is set to private or not. idk if it matters but it might
Capt. Toast 1 week ago
Anyone know how to post sets after you finish them? Just tried posting it from the Set creator but I don't think it worked lol
BaconTreant 1 week ago
@BouncyBear, Seriously, I just refreshed and saw all cards have an extra rating and their rate has dropped a lot, it seems to have been removed now
BouncyBear 1 week ago
@BaconTreant, I'm pretty sure you should cope right now.
But seriously, if Nikko doesn't want to change the system we just gotta deal with it.
BaconTreant 1 week ago
I'm sure there are a bunch of 1 stars sweeping the gallery right now
DustenStein 1 week ago
Yeah, the last thing isn't cool. I don't mind 1 and 2 though
Murghlinwall 1 week ago
@BaconTreant, I know what you're talking about and I agree, but I don't think sif is exactly that. It's a similar idea but at least she has a bit more going on than that.

I think my top 3 least favorite design tropes in hearthstone are
1. big thing that costs (1) less for doing the thing the class does this set
2. legendary that gives you a win the game effect for doing the thing the class does this set x amount of times
3. Card that was specifically created to be summoned/casted randomly by another card (especially when its legendary, think Therazane or that one mage dragon from onyxia's lair)
DustenStein 1 week ago
gottem lol
BaconTreant 1 week ago
@DustenStein, like they could also make a shaman card says "if you freeze 15 enemy minions this game, destroy enemy hero", and boom, freeze shaman is a real deck
DustenStein 1 week ago
is it because you lost to it?
DustenStein 1 week ago
lazy design win con? How is Sif lazy design win con
BaconTreant 1 week ago
What's your opinion on some archtype's lazy design win con, like sif
ggrya 1 week ago
thank u!
Murozondy 1 week ago
search for "art reservoir" in the search bar of this site.
ggrya 1 week ago
guys, where can I find images for cards in hearthstone style? on artstation upon request "hearthsrone style art" only 2 pages
DustenStein 1 week ago
Anyway, there might be some fake ratings pulling ratings down. I can't check that rn
Pokpokleo 1 week ago
he got hacked... DustenStein never smile @HDkiller_45,
HDkiller_45 1 week ago
DustenStein 1 week ago
DustenStein 1 week ago
@HDkiller_45, *a part
DustenStein 1 week ago
Also, if I were to rate a lot of cards in the queue, I don't want to stop and write out a comment for every stinker. Comments like "This stinks" aren't exactly helpful either if you don't provide the points of failure or suggestions. It's completely silly to expect everyone to be required to comment when they have sth bad to say
HDkiller_45 1 week ago
Dusten you always have something negative to say.
It's apart of your internet personality.
DustenStein 1 week ago
Well, what if I did have something negative to say but didn't want to say in front of an endorsing comment section
BouncyBear 1 week ago
It still makes no sense that you think needing to comment to rate poorly is unreasonable.
Look at Swarming in Sithilus, pokpokleo's new set. It has only positive comments. But a 3 star rating. Nobody has any reason to rate it low, because it really is a very well done expansion. And if people had real reasons to rate it low, they would comment anyway.
I rest my case
Pokpokleo 1 week ago
@HDkiller_45, yep your right What would be needed would simply be to change people's mentality. Why do people come to a nerd site like this to fuck up? It's absolutely of no interest and I admit that when you get very low rating when you've just arrived on the site, and without any constructive comments, well it's demoralizing (I know because I've experienced it)
HDkiller_45 1 week ago
I might just make a bingo card on suggestion people make lmao. I might win the lottery if that's the case.
HDkiller_45 1 week ago
@BouncyBear, You realise that this website has like an average of 15 likes on a card? Nikko may confirm it.

CustomHS on Discord and Reddit is actually far more popular than on hearthcards when it comes to cards in gallery cuz they just make the card and upload it elsewhere than here lol. So, no one is bothered and even cares about the gallery.

I could be absolutely wrong tho.
BouncyBear 1 week ago
We want change
HDkiller_45 1 week ago
This suggesting of "must give a comment to rate" is so common and just unreasonable. Dusten already explain it so I don't need to.

Just because your card or set has been rated lower, doesn't mean it's bad. It's just either trolls or something else.

@Pokpokleo, Don't take it personally when I said "just make cards better" there are in fact some cards that aren't even bad or pretty good. Some are boring but not terrible. I still give boring cards some ratings. Just take a look at best of all; some don't even deserve to be there, but who am I to judge.
BouncyBear 1 week ago
@DustenStein, that's just incorrect. Everyone wants change, and the commenting to rate low would definitely help the system. Just a few words would not deter people from voicing their opinions. If a card is bad, tell them that it's bad, not just rate low and leave them wondering why.
I know you have no control over how the website is coded, but even the number of likes on our comments is a witness. People want change.
Pokpokleo 1 week ago
Pokpokleo 1 week ago
@DustenStein, users who rate 5 or nothing are much rarer than those who stupidly rate without even having read the cards and you know it

Ps: @HDkiller_45, I wasn't complaining about my cards but about those of the whole week, I don't care I make cards for myself and if people like them, its better otherwise it doesn't matter
FriendlyShadow 1 week ago
damn, I know I don't exist here anymore, but I also noticed what's happening and I'm very sorry that people are getting low ratings. What I can say is don't worry so much about the rating and if it's low then just try to design it again so you can get a better one later. :treeLove:
DustenStein 1 week ago
The first thing is completely unreasonable. Requiring comments for poor ratings is not a thing on any other platform and would only discourage people from rating.
Sets don't need a different rating scale. They already appear obviously differently in the gallery so they are rated by set standards. If a user rates a set on the same scale as a card, that's on the user and there's nothing you can do about subjective rating metrics.
Also, Outlier ratings need to be worth *less*. Some users rate cards either 5 or not at all which trivialises the rating system to some extent, and finding the average by valuing outlier ratings less would give a more accurate overall rating
Zoa54 1 week ago

Require users to leave a comment to vote? To already have an opinion (even if not objective) and then allow you to identify if players are just having fun putting 1 stars everywhere for no reason
BouncyBear 1 week ago
@HDkiller_45, yeah, I do. First of all, if someone is willing to give a card 1 or 2 stars, they need to be able to give a reason why. If they don't have one, they shouldn't be rating the card that low. So people shouldn't be able to give a 1 or 2 start rating without commenting as well
Second, sets need to be rated on a completely separate scale. Like a service survey at a restaurant, there should be a 1-5 scale on creativity, flavor, design, and balance. Sets shouldn't be rated on one factor. This would give sets that took a lot of effort a better chance to have good ratings.
Finally, outlier ratings need to be worth more. If a card has a bunch of 2 and 3 star ratings, a 5 star rating paired with an explanation, is more important than the lower ratings. I often see a low rated card that I think is really good. I give it 5 stars for awesome design, and the rating goes barely up.
Stuff like this, to make ratings more fair to the hard working creators who pour hours into this unforgiving community
HDkiller_45 1 week ago
@BouncyBear, Got any idea's on the rating system overhaul?
BouncyBear 1 week ago
@HDkiller_45, #1: rude
#2: it has nothing to do with the cards. I've seen some awesome cards and sets in the gallery that are rated low 3's. It all depends on how the rater is feeling in the moment, not about how good the card actually is. The rating system definitely needs a rework
HDkiller_45 1 week ago
@Pokpokleo, He can't do anything about it. Just make better cards lol.
DustenStein 1 week ago
Even if I wanted to, I can't
Pokpokleo 1 week ago
@DustenStein, please do something, at the moment, the ratings of all the cards are abominable
Zoa54 1 week ago
@BouncyBear, Well it's very subjective, there are quite a few cards in the gallery that I wouldn't have seen in the official card. But no problem thanks for all the answers I will test the different options given and at worst I will see my cards removed from the queue :D
BouncyBear 1 week ago
@Zoa54, I assume you've played hearthstone. If the art you want to use doesn't resemble the artstyle you would see on an official card, don't use it
Zoa54 1 week ago
Last post after I promise I won't bother you anymore . Is there a way to know if the illustrations I want to use are authorized?
DustenStein 1 week ago
Closer than to yugioh at least
Zoa54 1 week ago
I just saw links on the "CustomHS art sources" to sites that reference illustrations from magic. The illustrations of Magic are quite close to those of Hearthstone?
Zoa54 1 week ago
Yes I saw ! I'll definitely try it, even if I don't really like the design of the signature cards x) But I'd rather make signature cards than change everything. My favorite thing was really to transpose Yugioh cards
Zoa54 1 week ago
I will look, thank you !
Murozondy 1 week ago
I don't know if you read my comment on one of your cards, there I said that you could make signature versions of your minions and you can use an art not strictly related to the HS art.
DustenStein 1 week ago
nw. Unfortunately the gallery rules (you can find them on the right of the page) say you should use art that is approximately HS's art style. If you're lacking good art for cards, I suggest the Custom Hearthstone's Discord server. They have an "#art-gallery" channel which can help you out. Here's the invite link: []
Zoa54 1 week ago

Hello, I'm new here! I created my first cards thinking that using Yugioh illustrations could be cool. Except I didn't know it was forbidden. Should I resign myself to changing all my illustrations? Or is there a way for this to happen anyway x) For the moment a card is not made strick, I believe the fingers
Murozondy 2 weeks ago
No, gilnean stuff it's too soft, like The Rocketeer, I mean real hardsteampunk. things like Clockwerx or Lady Mechanika.

I'm not sure what you mean, I like all steampunk, even futurepunk
HDkiller_45 2 weeks ago
@Murozondy, W I love Steampunk based in UK NOT USA (ew!)
DustenStein 2 weeks ago
Gilnean Express
noobking1 2 weeks ago
Gilnean Express
Murozondy 2 weeks ago
I would love a steampunk themed expansion. I love steampunk, so I would love a return of characters like xyrella, rokara etc. who must solve a mystery in a mock-Victorian London city
CakeIsGood 2 weeks ago
HelloIAmGuanYu 2 weeks ago
What kind of expansion theme do you want most?
Nekkro 2 weeks ago
@Murozondy, Yeah. Is kinda like drinking.
I came here to literally waste time, and when I have nothing to do here I waste it on Youtube watching videos about stuff I don't even care.

Tho after spending the whole day here, I realised that it dosn't even fullfits me, I mechanically return by pure habit, to the places I used to be happy.
But I'm not really happy, and I don't really have fun making or talking about cards, I don't even have fun playing videogames. I'm on a loop when I keep doing the stuff I never stopped doing.
While in my mind i'm sad cause my wife is sick and is going to die like 30 years before than me, and I'm sad cause I am in the exact same place I was 15 years ago, and I'm sad cause every year is more clear that I'll never going to be happy, and that maybe I'm already the best I will ever be.
And I see myself becoming bitter and bitter, and meaner and meaner, as if I was slowly turning evil without anything to do to stop it.
And that to be honest, I surrender many months ago, and I only keep going cause I have to take care of my wife.

So hope that answer How it is going.
Murozondy 2 weeks ago
I didn't even bring up the like/dislike topic, because it had already been discussed some time ago and no one liked it as a system, even if in reality it would be much simpler and more honest. most users think that having the ability to rate from 1 to 5 changes something, when in reality it's just "1 to 3, dislike", "4 to 5, like." I agree with everything else you said.

How is it going? seeing you here now is a bad thing. I mean, I'm obviously happy to know that you're here and that you're *quite* well, but I understand that you come back here in times of difficulty, like with drugs or drinking
you walk away from something that isn't good for you and then fall back into it. I hope, as always, that you are feeling better, and that you have a laugh reading about four nerds arguing pointlessly over stupid cards.
Nekkro 2 weeks ago
@CakeIsGood, I didn't. I have a severe depressive disorder.

On my opinion, Ratings should be *in your comment* like when you review a movie or an app. If you don't care enough about the card to not give it feedback, then you shouldn't care enough to rate it. If ratings actually didn't matter, then the better thing would be remove the ratings, and just put a "I like it" bottom, invisible for all users (even the creator of the card) and if has enough likes then it gets into the gallery.
But people are not going to like that, cause they actually care for the ratings but they fake dementia or lie to themselves to not to fall into the deep melancholy of creative frustration.

If I didn't care about opinions, I wouldn't be an artist, I would draw on my room for myself and say "Another Banger, another Banger from Tamara Blackmuont" but I share it cause art is art when somebody else perceives it as art.
And a custom card is a custom card when somebody else rate it as a custom card.
Burgermaker 2 weeks ago
I've read all of that (i'll resort to anything to distract myself from having 3 hours left for coverts)
DustenStein 2 weeks ago
yeah. That's a lot of letters
noobking1 2 weeks ago
oh bother
Shoemanband 2 weeks ago
@Murozondy Then, if it makes you feel better, if you ever have a card with a low rating and no one comments on it, you can pretend I'm saying, "This card is boring." Don't worry if it's too weak or too strong, just accept that I thought it was boring and move onto another card.
Murozondy 2 weeks ago
you're talking to someone who would like this site to go back to when you could make stupid cards just to make stupid cards, so with me you're breaking an open door - I don't know if that's what they say abroad but whatever. I'm fine with you giving a negative rating so as not to let a card enter the gallery, it's fair, even if I don't like that you don't give the user who received that rating the opportunity to understand the reason for your choice, but ok. what I don't understand, is this part where you say "but only commenting, "this card is boring," isn't very constructive and would be pretty rude."
Is being honest rude? I'd rather you tell me, if that's what you really think, if you're considering one of my cards. It wouldn't be very constructive or useful anyway because I wouldn't understand what to change to make an engine less boring if you just tell me that it's boring, if that's what it is (rez priest comes to mind, to give one example among many, or the famous boring paladin cards), but it would always be better than receiving a sterile number which without explanation means everything and nothing. At least I would know the reason for that assessment, even if I might not agree with it :lynessa:
Shoemanband 2 weeks ago
@Murozondy I rate based on whether I want the card to be in the gallery or not. If I think a card is boring, I give it a 3 because I don't want to see it in the gallery, but at least if someone does find it interesting, they can rate it higher and get it in.

I used to rate based on "realism", but I've come to realize that metric is also arbitrary. The actual design philosophy of the game changes from expansion to expansion, people have their own goals in making cards, and some people don't like being told how to make a "plausible" card. So, rating purely on balance or plausibility is no more helpful than rating on your own terms.
Murozondy 2 weeks ago
I don't care, but since on this site it is forbidden to put back into the queue cards that have been rated badly without changing anything, if I think that one of my cards is beautiful but it is treated badly but I don't know why, what should I change if I don't even know if it is perceived too strong/weak/other?

then, as I also told you the other day, I make cards just to pass the time, and often I don't even feel like doing them, and in fact sometimes even a few days pass between one card and another, but it's the principle of reasoning behind those who evaluate without commenting that escapes me, it makes no sense
Murozondy 2 weeks ago
I agree, and you are confirming what I said. the matter is simple: it depends what you want to do when evaluating a card. If your intent is to help the creator of the card, rating negatively without commenting is useless, as I have already explained extensively. If your intent is something else - I honestly don't know which one - then go ahead and do whatever you want. It depends on the philosophy you approach it with. It's not a question of whether I want comments or not, but of actual usefulness. Take my last 3 cards in the gallery, they are all at 3.3, due to some strange coincidence. They are in the gallery, so it means that initially someone appreciated them enough to let them in, but now the vote has stabilized at a negative vote. In all 3 cases, I received no comments related to balance, so, what should I take away as a lesson? I don't understand why people don't like those cards. If your goal was just to bury my cards because you enjoy doing it, ok, but if your goal is to be a little more helpful, downvoting without comment is completely useless. This is why I don't understand Dusten, but I've given up now, I don't even care anymore. Last thing, why do you rate a boring card with a 3? how should the fact that a card is boring be a reason to rate it? This is a topic I also addressed with Arcanist. There's not much point in rating only what you like, for two reasons: boring cards exist in HS too, so they're just as legitimate as fun cards. secondly, if a person were to evaluate only what he likes, this would not be healthy and would not open up his horizons. If I had to vote only for what I like, I would have to vote 1 for everything that is not a priest or DH. But even if I don't like a card for its mechanics, or because it's boring, I evaluate whether it is balanced (for me, at least) and whether it seems plausible, whether it's not a meme or a funny card. giving a 3 to a card without comment doesn't make me understand.
DustenStein 2 weeks ago
That's a great way of putting it imo. It's always nice to see comments, you want those from everyone so that you can get their opinions on written form, not just in form of an average of numbers, but you have to come to terms with that that won't always happen