Dr. Murkenstein - Custom Hearthstone Card

Dr. Murkenstein

23rd August, 2020 (RR)

Made by Shoemanband

FriendlyShadow 1 year ago
Shoemanband (creator)3 years ago
Art by joao vagner.
Randomizer 3 years ago
@Gothe While both are "infinite value," Rexxar's value is very different from this card's value. Getting a big Beast every turn is much stronger and reliable than a random Murloc. It'd be like saying Hack the System, or Galakrond Shaman, is comparable to Deathstalker Rexxar or Frost Lich Jaina.

And once again, a value Hero for a swarm deck doesn't really work.
Gothe 3 years ago
@Randomizer each of them are 6 mana that has an infinite value hero power. Difference is one provides big beasts while the other goes more with Murloc's swarm ability/theme. Only challenge is getting murlcos to die a lot.
Randomizer 3 years ago
@Gothe In exchange for a super powerful Beast each turn, you get a Murloc. I'd say it's not a fair comparison.
Randomizer 3 years ago
@Ymer Murlocs provide far, far less value than Lackeys. All Murlocs are small and can't discover large minions like Lackeys can.

That being said, a value oriented hero for Murlocs feels... counterintuitive.
Gothe 3 years ago
almost sorta better than deathstalker rexxar. in exchange for 2 damage to all enemy minions, you get an eternal 4/4.
Ymer 3 years ago
I'm a huge fan of value decks but this is going too far. People run rogue galakrond in regular decks just for the infinite lackeys.
Cosmic14 3 years ago
Sorry, EUREKA!
Cosmic14 3 years ago
Stevethebarbarian 3 years ago
"Battlecry: Summon a 4/4 Murkenstein's Monster that won't stay dead."
Shoemanband (creator)3 years ago
That would be better, but what would be a good way to do it? "Summon a 4/4 Murkenstein's Monster that goes Dormant when it dies, then reawakens after 3 friendly Murlocs die."
Anonymous318 3 years ago
The hero card could benefit from an extra line explaining what Murkenstein's Monster does, like how DK Garrosh reads, "Equip a 4/3 Shadowmourne that also damages adjacent minions."
Shoemanband (creator)3 years ago
Dr. Murkenstein can create an infinite army of unstoppable Murloc Monsters! Just don't ask where he gets the parts.