Cadaver Servants - Custom Hearthstone Card

Cadaver Servants

18th July, 2020 (RR)

Made by danmcboss

Shoemanband 3 years ago
3 Mana 4/4 is a little too much, especially if it has an upside. It's already a big threat, but if it survives a trade, you can trigger the Spellburst and get even more stats. It would be more fair as a 2/4, same Health but can't dominate the board as easily.
Earlybird 3 years ago
I like the idea alot, but this seems a little bit too powerful. It's already overstatted at a 3 mana 4/4, and you can attack a small minion and then cast a spell to essentially negate any damage it took.
danmcboss (creator)3 years ago