Cosmo Captain Coilana - Custom Hearthstone Card

Cosmo Captain Coilana

22nd September, 2020 (RR)

Made by Gothe

Gothe (creator)3 years ago
"Sailing the starry night since she was just a lad."
Gothe (creator)3 years ago
I'm trying to think of a way to get both this and malygos on the board at the same time reliably without needing one to survive from a previous turn. There's Luna's Galaxy, but by that point your minions already cost (1) so the cost reduction wouldn't be the bonus there. I'm probably missing some combo or something.
Stevethebarbarian 3 years ago
This is kinda pog. And by pog I mean scary as fuck imagine Malygos discounting all of your minions by 5.
Gothe (creator)3 years ago
The minions will lose the buff from the Spell Damage if the Spell Damage leaves the field (like a spell damage minion dying) and also if Coilana dies.

The buff will be gone if either of those pieces are gone.
Linwood 3 years ago
So do they keep the buff after you lose spell damage or when Coilana dies?
Deloa 3 years ago
Ok that make sense now !
Gothe (creator)3 years ago
At first I had it as "The Attack and Health of your minions are improved by Spell damage. Their cost is reduced by it." But figure'd Id simplify it down to one sentence (+ it looks cleaner with all the space I saved). The downside is, as we see, it's a bit more confusing to people. I'll add an example.
Cosmic14 3 years ago
Oh, that makes more sense. I was thinking it was too weak.
Gothe (creator)3 years ago
@Deloa also thanks for liking the concept :)
Gothe (creator)3 years ago
@Deloa Cost increase? aw dang it, i knew I should have separated them. The Attack Health and Cost are *improved* not *increased.*

By *improving Cost* I mean that the cost of he minions would decrease equivalent to your Spell Damage.
Deloa 3 years ago
I think the cost increase makes it far too weak, even taking into account it's also an aura effect,but the concept is nice.
Cosmic14 3 years ago
Oh, yeah. I didn't even notice the pirate tag. Good job.
Gothe (creator)3 years ago
@Cosmic thanks! I've unintentionally made a lot of spell damage cards for this set, so i'm leaning itno it and giving them another Pirate Legendary that has Spell Damage synergy.
Cosmic14 3 years ago
I appreciate the Alliteration, as well as the balance of the effect. It might be a bit weak as it is, considering the cost of Spell Damage minions.