Lackeys Wanted! - Custom Hearthstone Card

Lackeys Wanted!

15th March, 2019 (RR)

Made by Shoemanband

MikeIndrawan 5 years ago
If my Intergalactic Warlord card idea became real, it'll be too OP. :annoy-o-tron: :alliance:
Kosmyc (3.5)5 years ago
*targets Faceless Manipulator somehow*
Shoemanband (creator)5 years ago
@DestroyerR Tentatively, their cost also becomes 1 as well as their stats to stay consistent with the other Lackeys, but if Lackey generators are too prevalent in Warrior it would instead give the original minion.
Kovachut 5 years ago
Agree with DeathNote. Regardless, you get 5/5 from me.
DestroyerR 5 years ago
Does the cost stay the same?
DeathNote 5 years ago
Absolutely amazing card! At 4 tho does seem to be too much mana. Might be balanced at 3 Mana.
Cosmic14 5 years ago
Cosmic14 5 years ago
WE WANT YOU! (the die in the service of the league of shadows terms and conditions apply)
Ragnarok 5 years ago
Auron2000 5 years ago
AmberWrath 5 years ago
50 stars, that's amazing