Holy Bash - Custom Hearthstone Card

Holy Bash

20th June, 2021 (RR)

Made by DustenStein

Stevethebarbarian 2 years ago
This not having Lifesteal is wack. Second off, just because Paladin is bad at doing a given thing doesn't mean you should print a card for them that's just regular bad.
SMILE 2 years ago
Lightforged Blessing: am i joke to you?
DustenStein (creator)2 years ago
Lifesteal is less Holy
Miraide (3.9)2 years ago
I like it. The fact that does not have Lifesteal so the restored Health cannot scale is inteded, I assume.
DustenStein (creator)2 years ago
Tidal Surge is 3 mana now. The reason this is so weak is because it's Paladin. Paladin barely has any damage-dealing spells. It's kind of a sidegrade to Penance bc this can hit face
TheArcanist (4.4)2 years ago
I know this is intended, but making a worse Bash, which is already not the best card, is not a good idea. At 2 mana would be better Penance and at 4 damage better Tidal Surge, so I don't really see a way to make this work.
DustenStein (creator)2 years ago