Cleansing Recruiter - Custom Hearthstone Card

Cleansing Recruiter

16th May, 2021 (RR)

Made by petebar

DustenStein 2 years ago
This would be significantly better if this made you discover cards from your deck. Maybe for slightly nerfed stats, you could have a 3 mana 2/2 (for example) that draws you 3 cards. Random Paladin minions aren't always good.
DustenStein 2 years ago
Secret Paladin probably
Caesar (4.1)2 years ago
:smorc: Paladin, but I'm not sure you'd prefer this over Kazakus, Alex, Hammer, Ogremancer...might work if you go full zoo though.
(and it's still good with only the first part)
mertens 2 years ago
i'm not sure there are that many cards for 3, that would work together