Snake Oil Seller - Custom Hearthstone Card

Snake Oil Seller

16th October, 2019 (RR)

Made by ozcarr

LiteBlueJay 4 years ago
It'd be more flavorful if he was named "Shifty Salesman" and the Snake Oil restored 0 health since Snake Oil was marketed as a cure-all.
Drewski 4 years ago
I agree with SadmanV2. I like the concept and ideas, but maybe tone down the stats to a 2/2 and you have a card that blizzard could print :)
SadmanV2 4 years ago
Lmao isn't snake oil just a more busted version of the coin
it activates combos, gets rid of counterspell, and now it does damage with spell damage.
Would be great if it were a neutral card though, has a lot of utility.