Harmonic Tortollan - Custom Hearthstone Card

Harmonic Tortollan

25th July, 2023 (RR)

Made by Hojobert

Hares 9 months ago
The left form is broken as hell while the right one is still playable. 1/5 purely because of balance -- this card basically can't be statted properly no matter what -- even if you increase the armor cost to something like 15, then the right version starts giving you that insane ammount of armor from a single 4-mana card.
Murozondy 9 months ago
Also, I hadn't noticed the name, but Tortollans aren't Beasts, they're creatures too intelligent to be mere beasts, so either change the name or remove the tag :tinyfin:
Murozondy 9 months ago
You don't need this, if a card is cool or interesting it will be seen.
If you really want to draw more attention to your cards (which is legitimate) I strongly suggest you write a comment, even just a "thoughts?" or similar:annoy-o-tron:
Cards appear much more often in the comments section :pensive:
Hojobert (creator)9 months ago
Right, i forgot! I wanted to show the Armor cost first because i think its an eye catcher :P
Murozondy 9 months ago
I really like this concept but I would make the "form in mana" first and main, so that it can be found by discovering cards that cost mana :qWOW: Nice overall :annoy-o-tron: