Canine Division - Custom Hearthstone Card

Canine Division

25th February, 2021 (RR)

Made by Stevethebarbarian

Jamether 3 years ago
Why not Silver Hand Hounds? Tokens that synergise with Silver Hand and are also Beasts :thinking:
Caesar (4.1)3 years ago
Wouldn't that make it a max of 3 hounds anyway?
Mzop (3.7)3 years ago
1 to many fuckups, but thats fine. its fine as it is, pretty nice card, maybe a tad weak. i think i have a suggestion: Summon three 1/1 Silverhand Recruit with taunt. Summon a 1/1 hound for each friendly minion.
Like simmilar to Unleash the hounds.
Stevethebarbarian (creator)3 years ago
After several fuckups, I finally made this properly. I decided I wanted to make a card for every possible dual-class combination that Blizzard hadn't done, and I decided to start with perhaps the ugliest color combination first.