Cycle: Refresh - Custom Hearthstone Card

Cycle: Refresh

12th June, 2019 (RR)

Made by MurlocAggroB

MurlocAggroB (creator)4 years ago
Well, there's a reason I didn't give one of these to Shaman. They are pretty good with Brann, however.
Cosmic14 4 years ago
I Shudder(Wock) to imagine the possibilities...
MurlocAggroB (creator)4 years ago
Well, Overkill is a Rastakhan's Rumble mechanic. I didn't want to mix the waters.
Xsenon21 4 years ago
"In For the Kill" should have overkill: refresh 7 mana crystals. It has more flavor.
Deloa 4 years ago
I agree, it's more elegant this way. Sometime a keyword is not the best option.
MurlocAggroB (creator)4 years ago
I debated keywording this, but ultimately I think this reads a lot nicer. This wouldn't be a headline mechanic, but a side thing (Omega to Magnetic, Joust to Inspire, so on). Also, the ability is simple enough that they don't have to be shortened.

Also also, I couldn't find a nice way to reword Kun to fit the effect. That tells me keywording it makes the ability less flexible.
DestroyerR 4 years ago
@Winbow sparing the creation of a new Keyword is always a good thing
Winbow 4 years ago
Just make it a keyword: something (X)-
You can only play this card when you have x unspent mana crystals.