Ricardo Hellscream - Custom Hearthstone Card

Ricardo Hellscream

28th July, 2020 (RR)

Kapiork (3.9)3 years ago
xOwleyex 3 years ago
Of course 3 mana 2/8 is not strong in the late game, and so do the 3 mana 3/4 or 1/5... The point is not every legendary minion is strong throughout the match, and when this happen, I'm more happy to have an overstats taunt minion on turn 10 rather than Prince Kelesth 2 mana 2/2 or Patch on hand turn 5.
The overall value of this card can drop, but its stats should not be ignored tho.
Shoemanband 3 years ago
Should be 4 or 5 Mana.
Shoemanband 3 years ago
A low-attack, high-health Taunt minion is at its best if it's defending against a bunch of small minions. Forcing a board of tokens to trade immediately instead of giving your opponent the chance to use a wide buff or hard removal is almost always an upside. Even in the late game, 8 Health is still a lot to get through for most minions, and since this is so cheap for its stats, you can often play it alongside and protect a much bigger threat.
Octotron 2000 3 years ago
I like this. It's got that something that I need, in my deck, so give it to me Blizz.
Gothe 3 years ago
@keyvnn9 the same argument could be made for Wild Bloodstinger.
keyvnn9 3 years ago
Is a 3 mana 2/8 Taunt Rush Mega-Windfury for a turn fair?
Deloa 3 years ago
It's good on turn 3 on an empty board (or with like 1 or 2 enemy minions), but in the late game, if your opponent just played a big minion it's awful.
Gothe 3 years ago
but is a straight 3/2/8 powerful in the late game? I mean, of course, yeah, but your opponent would probably have ways to deal with this way more easily then than in the early game.
xOwleyex 3 years ago
Since the card says "force minions with 2 or less Attack", it's quite safe to play him either early or late game. Of course his value drops throughout the match, 3 mana for 2/8 taunt should not be ignored.
Deloa 3 years ago
If you don't play it on an empty board, this just gives every enemy minions an extra attack. I personally see the Battlecry as a drawback as much as an upside, if not more.
TheArcanist (4.4)3 years ago
Well, the flavor and art is absolutely :reno: :reno: :reno: :reno: :reno: , but from balance perspective, this is VERY strong. On an empty board, it's a (3)/2/8 Taunt which is ridiculous. And it can be used to answer cards like Blazing Battlemage or Battlefiend and damage all 1/3s. I believe this should be (4) Mana to be reasonable.
Gothe 3 years ago
tbh not sure how i feel bout this card. It's obviously much stronger in the early game for picking off your opponent's little guys. It does get weaker as the game goes on but still has it's uses.
Art is legendary.
Dvelis 3 years ago
Kapiork (3.9)3 years ago