Skelenaut - Custom Hearthstone Card


27th July, 2020 (RR)

Made by petebar

petebar (creator)3 years ago
@SwedishGuy Skelenaut would be more effective with cards that draw cards, because if your intention is to wait for the next turn till you draw a minion instead of something else, then that might not work because of the low stats. But that is exactly why i made it cheap.
SwedishGuy 3 years ago
This could be used in spiteful decks too, where you don't want to draw your spells most of the time. Not sure if just a 2/2/3 body is good enough though
Marleon (4.2)3 years ago
Hm, maybe it would make such decks viable, because they seem to be in a bit of a worse point at the moment
petebar (creator)3 years ago
This minion is best used in decks that have few but essential minions that you want to draw first (ex Malygos-Ysera,Unleashed etc..)
TheFriendlyEnemy 3 years ago
Malygos tutor I guess.
Marleon (4.2)3 years ago
Or with Book of Specters
Marleon (4.2)3 years ago
Interesting, but not sure about what would be the practical use of that. Maybe you can play it with Varian Wrynn after 1 turn of Emperor, but besides that, not sure what would be the best place for it
petebar (creator)3 years ago
Quickly! Evacuate! Your deck is out of oxygen! SAVE THE MINIONS!! Thoughts ?