Platinum Crusher - Custom Hearthstone Card

Platinum Crusher

12th January, 2022 (RR)

Made by Kingforever

Spacetime0419 2 years ago
Ehhh idk about this. As wishful stated, it’s very good (too good) against other control decks. Casting upgrade as a byproduct of what you’re already trying to do in control warrior is scary. Armor smith shenanigans are always a thing to. This is quickly a 5/5 minimum and growing.
Wishful 2 years ago
Feels.. Good?

It has a sort of Eaglehorn-ish playstyle where you sort of just swing it when you can and sit on it until the durability is even.

Granted that it can go techinically "infinite" plus the ramp up of damage is noticeable in the control match up, I think it's fine because just like any other probabilistic weapon (except Kingsbane) Rustrot Viper is going to stay for a while. :boomS:
Kingforever (creator)2 years ago
The effect is passive and works like rods so if you gain more than 5 armor at a time, this will gain +1/+1 and reset. Thought some support for control Warrior would be helpful. Thoughts?