Grommash Hellscream - Custom Hearthstone Card

Grommash Hellscream

26th June, 2022 (RR)

Made by RasmusVJS

DustenStein 1 year ago
They are. Steve's is almost the exact same thing but written in a much more interesting way. "X triggers twice" is an uninteresting effect whereas that one achieves the same thing but is more interesting
RasmusVJS (3.9) (creator)1 year ago
I see no reason why this and that design would be mutually exclusive. This isn't a bad design because another good design exists.
Stevethebarbarian 1 year ago
There are much better ways to do this. “After a friendly non-Grunt minion dies, summon a 1/1 Grunt that attacks immediately.” for instance
RasmusVJS (3.9) (creator)1 year ago
Could probably be reworded to "Your minions' Avenges trigger twice" or something.
Kosmyc (3.5)1 year ago
Onyxia could abuse this and Chadgar for infinite whelps. Other than that though, I think this is fine.
RasmusVJS (3.9) (creator)1 year ago
Fair, though it's not like he's got a better card in Battlegrounds, at least now he would be represented. And regarding the ability, it's not novel, but it does its job well.
DustenStein 1 year ago
I'll be honest, "X tiggers twice" is not very interesting or novel. Sure, this could be a real effect thing but Grommash deserves better
RasmusVJS (3.9) (creator)1 year ago
Murozondy 1 year ago
Very strong, good in most cases. I can't think of combos that are too broken so nice!
RasmusVJS (3.9) (creator)1 year ago