The Final Plague - Custom Hearthstone Card

The Final Plague

12th August, 2020 (RR)

Made by Gothe

Marleon (4.2)3 years ago
Challange accepted
Gothe (creator)3 years ago
yeah. found the art and really wanted to use it on something
Marleon (4.2)3 years ago
Well, probably not good enough anyway
Gothe (creator)3 years ago
@Marleon. You misunderstand. You summon ALL he old gods. Yeah, it's essentially just a huge stat dump. Again; it's fun garbage.
Marleon (4.2)3 years ago
Yeah, pretty much. Fun garbage. Summoning Old Gods doesn't make sense, as THREE of them have Battlecries, so you always pick Y'Shaarj. And 4 mana do nothing is too devastating. Especially that shuffling bad cards into your deck is pretty much always bad, let alone 5 of them. Especially when Priest has little synergies with Plague of Wrath, Madness or Flames. As Priest can't really deal 1 damage to all enemies very reliably and Plagues of Madness and Flames are meant for fast decks, which aren't afraid to sacrifice their own stuff for destroying opponent's much more powerful minions. A deck which would play The Final Plague isn't fast enough to ever use Plague of Flames and using Plague of Madness would cost you just as much or even more then your opponent
BasketCase752 3 years ago
Garbage, but like really cool garbage that everyone has fun playing around with.
Likafoss 3 years ago
this would be cool as an event card
Gothe (creator)3 years ago
The plagues are, of course, the plague cards each of the EVIL classes got in Uldum. the old gods summoned AFTER you play the plagues are just that, Yogg, Y'shaarj, C'thun and N'zoth.