Infinite Toki - Custom Hearthstone Card

Infinite Toki

21st April, 2018 (WW)

Made by Dr.Badtimes

DestroyerR 5 years ago
Turns out the flavor isn’t on point, since future Toki is trying to prevent a time disaster (by stopping present Toki) and present Toki is the one who carelessly changes the timelines. Still a cool idea though!
Dr.Badtimes 6 years ago
Overdraw: This card isn't worthy of my hand.
Shoemanband 6 years ago
10 Mana draw 4 cards can be strong, but it would be better if this had some sort of possible board effect for being so expensive. Like, add a Legendary to your hand, change its cost to 0 or something.
DestroyerR 6 years ago
Overdrawing quote? Also, you should put Hero Power in bold in the HP token, but other than that it’s amazing
Auron2000 6 years ago
This is a 10 mana do nothing, is not bad and is not op, well balanced, and WOW Dr.Badtimes you put a lot of works on the emotes
Deloa 6 years ago
If you can survive the turn you played it, it's pretty strong.
Evacion 6 years ago
Tbh, this is well made. Could be broken, but Frost Lich Jaina is already broke so it's fine.
Lockthecard 6 years ago
This could be real card. Awesome.
Broxor 6 years ago
Dr.Badtimes (creator)6 years ago

Play: Who cares if I get it right at all?!

Greetings: Ah, hello mortal.

Well Played: Admirable.

Thanks: Thank You.

Wow: Impressive, but futile.

Oops: An error has occured.

Threaten: You can barely comprehend the power
I possess!

Thinking: Hmm....
Murozond calls to me...

Rope: I've taken too long!

Special Quotes: You know nothing of pure power!
(When Nozdormu is played)
Well, well, well! What have we
here? (When Toki, Time Tinker
is played)

Concede: This is merely the beginning of the

Almost Out of Cards: I'm running out of cards!

Out of Cards: I've run out of cards!

Minion Can't Attack: The Infinite Dragonflight
can't do everything, you

Taunt in the Way: Get that inconvenience out of
my way!

Generic: That's impossible.