Extinguish - Custom Hearthstone Card


28th October, 2018 (TBP)

Made by SirCat

SirCat (creator)5 years ago
It's supposed to be used in Silence priest. You either use this to Silence a minion, which can always be powerful or to draw two cards with. In Silence priest, it is not hard at all to have a Silenced minion on the board, a lot of the time you'd simply be able to choose whether you'd wanna draw a Silence with this.
Stevethebarbarian 5 years ago
Well, kind of? Once you play this, you've already spent two cards on silencing something, and this card does nothing if the target has already been silenced... so ultimately, you're only breaking even.
keyvnn9 5 years ago
@Winbow THREE?
Winbow 5 years ago
It should be rare, cost 1 and draw 3 cards in my opinion...
SirCat (creator)5 years ago
If a minion has been Silenced and then it's been buffed again, this will Silence it again and still draw you 2 cards.