Harmonious Fighter - Custom Hearthstone Card

Harmonious Fighter

1st April, 2022 (RR)

Made by TheArcanist

TheArcanist (4.4) (creator)2 years ago
You can even hero cards out with other hero cards or weapons.
CardBoy.J 2 years ago
Then even it out with spells or another hero or another one of the new card type that at some point will be added this year
Dragondon 2 years ago
A great idea! Should be a great Monk mechanic. Only one problem... If Monk had a Hero, break the equality XD
Murozondy 2 years ago
DustenStein 2 years ago
I could see this being like highlander decks:
A few classes have highlander-exclusive Legendaries even though the big payoff cards are Neutral
TheArcanist (4.4) (creator)2 years ago
Yeah, kinda what I thought - this would be perfect for Monk. But since there's no Monk (yet?) I just made it Neutral.
DustenStein 2 years ago
Oof, I butchered that second comment. Let me try again:
For now, I think Druid would fit that archetype the best since...
DustenStein 2 years ago
For now, I think Druid would fit a deck around that the best since they are the class that have most to do with balance
DustenStein 2 years ago
I think this should be an archetype once the Monk class is revealed
TheArcanist (4.4) (creator)2 years ago
Cause I'm tired of full spell/full minion decks. Thoughts?