Shade Scryer - Custom Hearthstone Card

Shade Scryer

12th August, 2022 (RR)

Made by ColdlifeOracle

Murozondy 1 year ago
:gonk: :banana:
ColdlifeOracle (creator)1 year ago
I wanted to make a minion that could work with multiple different decks - Zoo Decks could play this with Shadow Waltz and Impending Catastrophe, Abyssal Curse Warlocks would run this for more curses, Handlocks appreciate selection and extra Dark Alley Pacts, and Implock likes Dark Alley Pact and Impending Catastrophy. Priest also has some good options with Thrive in the Shadows, Amulet of Undying and Devouring Plague. Plus, maybe it'll make Call of the Grave see play.