Maiden Argenta - Custom Hearthstone Card

Maiden Argenta

1st May, 2022 (RR)

Made by Mzop

Mzop (3.7) (creator)1 year ago
Im not too big of a fan of making this a battlecry, but i could make her cost more so that its not that limiting when building a deck. It is a pretty hard condition but the reward can let you set up some pretty solid comboes like mentioned before so im still not sure about the balance i will be honest.
Nekkro 1 year ago
If you say so, buddy.
DustenStein 1 year ago
@Mzop what do you think?
DustenStein 1 year ago
This would be good because it would allow you to play Inquisitor and other bigger stuff with cheap Outcast cards. If you cannot, what's the point if not one mediocre at best combo?
Nekkro 1 year ago
Yeah, but that's why the Outast cards are design to have a low cost. That's my point. Naturally the Outcast card is in the majority cards that cost 4 or less
DustenStein 1 year ago
Since nothing can clog the left-most spot in your hand with this, running only low-Cost cards is not necessary anymore. Yet this imposes this artificial restriction that nullifies this upside
DustenStein 1 year ago
Nekkro, the reason you want a low mana curve for an Outcast deck is so that high Cost cards don't clog the left-most spot in your hand
Nekkro 1 year ago
I think is an Okay condition. From all spells, the only two spells with Outcast that cost more than 3 are The skull and Glide.
And you don't need the Gul'dan discount if your entire deck costs (3) or less.
And there are not many influencers minions either.
You can play Kor'vas, Gan'arg, Line Hoper, and Redeem Pariah. You want an Outcast deck to have a low mana curve anyway.
I think it's in the right balance.
But you can't tell until you see it in action.
It's one of those cards.
DustenStein 1 year ago
I like moving the cards around but it's not very impactful with this condition and a bit too expensive for an aggro deck to topdeck normally. Nekkro is right in that this would be best with wayward sage since you can choose what to discount and, let's be honest here, is that what you want this to be run for?
DustenStein 1 year ago
I dunno. If this was a Battlecry, you could play the same otk but not sacrifices a lot of (more defensive) cards in the process. And I don't think that otk would be good enough anyway. Requires too much stuff. Sacrificing Drek'thar in a aggro outcast deck isn't worth it either and that was the purpose of this card to begin with
Nekkro 1 year ago
You can do easy OTKs with Lady S'theno.
You're Wayward Sage always reduce the cost of the cards you want, You can play a cople of Abusive Sergeant.
Seems pretty Okay to me. Not for every deck, but non-Legendary should be for every deck.
DustenStein 1 year ago
I agree with Muro that the condition is way too harsh. I'd honestly just make this not a SoG but a Battlecry or Outcast or something and add a light condition if any. The effect at the moment is ridiculously weak since the only thing stopping you from playing your Outcasts consistently are expensive cards which you cannot run with this anyway which defeats the whole purpose of running this card
Nekkro 1 year ago
Yeah, but this is a card game when playing two Legendaries that were released at the same time, crashes the game. :qWOW:

But it's fine if you like it. I like the card a lot. :tinyfin:
Mzop (3.7) (creator)1 year ago
@Nekkro i mean, in a card game you should probably be able to move the cards around in your hand right? :tinyfin:
Nekkro 1 year ago
I'd rather it say something like
"All your cards are always the left- or right-most card in your hand," or something like that.
I'm not a big fan of fiddling with the game's UI. But I like the effect.
Murozondy 1 year ago
The effect is very strong.
Even stronger than if it were just "your cards with oycast are always in Outcast", because it allows you to choose which ones you want to play in Outcast. I think it's very strong but the condition is really uninviting (you can't play skull of guldan and other outcasts above 3).
I don't like the too restrictive condition, but the rest is nice! I think it takes another condition. :jaraxxus-thinking:
Mzop (3.7) (creator)1 year ago
Maybe could help make some sort of aggresive outcast deck but i will be honest i have not looked at what outcast cards you could potentially put into a deck with her and have it work well. Still, might just be good in an average aggro dh. Thoughts?