Dire Wolf Omega - Custom Hearthstone Card

Dire Wolf Omega

24th June, 2019 (RR)

Made by Bonesaw

Gothe 4 years ago
I do like this card. I think it can be more fairly stated. Like a 3/3 maybe, just cuz until turn 10, this is just a 4 mana 2/2 in your hand.
I was about to ask you why you put the 'Omega' at the end and not the front like all the other omega cards until i realized Dire Wolf ALPHA's a card. nice card anyways
Bonesaw (creator)4 years ago
What could make this card better? I really like the flavor of it, and it fits in with what Shaman already does. Is the effect too strong? Should it cost more? It was tricky to find a balance between the Battlecry, cost, stats, and condition.