Chant (X) - Custom Hearthstone Card

Chant (X)

3rd May, 2022 (RR)

Made by RasmusVJS

Nekkro 1 year ago
It's the classic "Tap" Abillity of Magic.
The Cost allows you to have more powerfull effects in lower cost minions. So you can play it in curve, and in the end game use it for a more powerfull effect.

It's also interesting with Minions with Rush/Charge, that can trigger they Chant immidiatly.

A couple more examples with minions with a Chant that costs Mana would have been great. But the Keyword is extremely solid.
JC1234TheToonist 1 year ago
I'm confused. Is there a reason why all of the Chant costs listed here are 0? What's the point of the mana cost then?
RasmusVJS (3.9) (creator)1 year ago
Yes, but if you attach a mana cost, you can have more flexibility in which cards can have what abilities, and add more decision making.
DustenStein 1 year ago
Isn't the Cost "don't attack with it" already?
RasmusVJS (3.9) (creator)1 year ago
I think it works well with how I intend to use it. I'd be planning to have multiple cards in the set that would spend some amount of mana to use their Chant, so putting it as a number makes the cost more apparent, makes it more streamlined, and reduces the words count for the bigger abilities.
DustenStein 1 year ago
I don't think (X) impeoves the keyword here actually
Murozondy 1 year ago
RasmusVJS (3.9) (creator)1 year ago
A keyword I came up with for a musical theater themed expansion.