BESHU Paladin Set - Custom Hearthstone Card

BESHU Paladin Set

24th May, 2022 (RR)

Made by Backgammon

CakeIsGood 1 year ago
I want the full art of Cait the greatest taster :tinyfin:
ironwarrior79 1 year ago
Well that clears up one mystery
Backgammon (3.6) (creator)1 year ago
The "Tiny" man is Gammin the other Bacc's sibling and the other fate scribe trying to fix the chaos Bacc stirred up
FriendlyShadow 1 year ago
Gonker mini-set
ironwarrior79 1 year ago
I have been meaning to ask, who is the little armoured guy who interrupted the cooking contest, is he a character or just some random member of the warrior faction?
TemplarBrandon 1 year ago
i cant wait for the other sets :D
JacySteak (4.3)1 year ago
Steak Dumplings aren't that hard, just puree the steak into a paste and boil them to look like dumplings, two in one special!
ironwarrior79 1 year ago
I mean it’s not hard to when the character who supposedly only makes steaks is holding dumplings in their art. Unless, those are steaks disguised as dumplings
Burgermaker 1 year ago
So I am Burgaria, the greatest food maker, beware Jayce for I will win in every cooking competition.
CakeIsGood 1 year ago
im a 9 year old little girl love it :qnikkoHi: :qnikkoWOW: :qLOVE:
Backgammon (3.6) (creator)1 year ago
I should rexplain that Shatter part. It's like C'thun if you put cait in your deck she will instead shuffle a Good cake into your deck once one Good cake is played Cait will be shuffled in akin to C'thun. However Cait is unique in this regard because her pieces are endless so that you can build her battle cry
Backgammon (3.6) (creator)1 year ago
Yes Nekkro! it's like that I like shortening things and Shatter are like C'thun so once you play one cake Cait will join your deck but the cake self repopulates to build her battlecry.
RasmusVJS (3.9)1 year ago
Are shatter cards in your deck to begin with, or are they like C'Thun where it only gets shuffled in once the pieces have been played?
Nekkro 1 year ago
So Behold truly is just a way to short a condition. :jaraxxus-thinking:
Like instead of "Battlecry: If you restored 30 health this game, replay all cards..."
I'm always in favor of cutting things short :qWOW:
Nekkro 1 year ago
So. The Battlecry is part of the Behold effect? :qnikkoWOW:
Murozondy 1 year ago
it's true, it's pretty solid. it would be a funny archetype, which is strange for the paladin XD
Backgammon (3.6) (creator)1 year ago
I changed Behold a bit mostly because art and simplicity reasons now it's like no dupes ETC so green when playable but yellow when the effect is working
Nekkro 1 year ago
The Class looks pretty damn solid, honestly :qWOW:
Backgammon (3.6) (creator)1 year ago
Too Many Cooks does indeed randomly give a random minion in hand +1/+2 or +2/+1. Also I went with Cait over a name more direct to cake because I didn't want to be TOO on the nose and the shattered pieces are always (piece of [Name])
Nekkro 1 year ago
Shouldn't Burgaria have another version?
Or I don´t understand Behold :jaraxxus-thinking:
Murozondy 1 year ago
The only card I don't fully understand is Too many Cooks. The buff is random, right? :thinking:
Backgammon (3.6) (creator)1 year ago
Yes the steak always costs 3 mana
RasmusVJS (3.9)1 year ago
RasmusVJS (3.9)1 year ago
RasmusVJS (3.9)1 year ago
Holy Steak always costs 3?
Backgammon (3.6) (creator)1 year ago
Fun fact i make these cards while standing in a wind tunnel and skateboarding down a staircase!
Nah mate I just make a lot of typos :bob:
Murozondy 1 year ago
On Despicable Dinner there is a small error ("Resorted" instead of "Restored") but who cares, it's nice! XD
Murozondy 1 year ago
Beautiful this episode, I would like a real TV drama ahah
Backgammon (3.6) (creator)1 year ago
(I forgot to stick this oops)

And for anyone that missed it Behold only activates when you achive the Behold requirement so as such if you have not restored 30 health before playing Burgaia she will do nothing.

If anyone wants the lore and this has like 40 comments the lore post is near the bottom
JacySteak (4.3)1 year ago
Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner!
Backgammon (3.6) (creator)1 year ago
And for anyone that missed it Behold only activates when you achive the Behold requirement so as such if you have not restored 30 health before playing Burgaia she will do nothing.
Backgammon (3.6) (creator)1 year ago
Paladin set lore time! See below

The battle was raging tearing apart the world or at least most of the world except Pandaria where the biggest cooking competition was happening. While the rest of the world screamed and hid or fought tooth and nail Jayce wondered where his oregano was. It was his first time competing and he was going against the running champ Burgaria, maker of the finest foods this side of Azeroth. Judge Cait was ruthless but loved cake some said she thought it was the best food in the world. Unfortunately, Jayce only knew how to make Steak, but he wouldn’t let that stop him as he cooked and toiled a strange portal appeared and dumped out a tiny man clad in armor. He approached Jayce and asked for help with some war about a demon lady and some dragon or something. Jayce did not care and instead gave him a steak and sent him on his way.

Finally, at the last heat, a shocking twist came in the form of an army breaking through the walls of the cooking temple. The chefs finally knew what was happening outside Pandaria! They still did not care and quickly dispatched the demons, healed themselves up, and resumed the competition. In the end, nobody won because Cait had snacked on so much cake she got sick. so Burgaria and Jayce decided it might be a good idea to stop that invasion before Cait recovers so they can find out the true winner.
Murozondy 1 year ago
:annoy-o-tron: :gonk: CHE FIGATA! :gonk: :annoy-o-tron:

I mean, very nice! :qWOW:

Just a little tip, add a comment or a token card explaining what Behold is for those who missed yesterday's prerelease. Great job! :)
Backgammon (3.6) (creator)1 year ago
I opted for one less common to accommodate the extra legendary since that obviously balances out the cost.