Chanteuse Eniwo - Custom Hearthstone Card

Chanteuse Eniwo

27th May, 2022 (RR)

Made by JacySteak

FriendlyShadow 1 year ago
@MorgenStern Yes indeed. Your vocabulary is inexhaustible.
MorgenStern 1 year ago
Oulala rholala
FriendlyShadow 1 year ago
There was a Druid spell from Frozen Throne with a similar effect, but it summoned 1/5s with Taunt. It reminds me that wicked card too much. Funily, the wall of 1/5 Taunts for 6 Mana is weak compared to the new Meta.
Murozondy 1 year ago
Maybe too strong, but nice!