Castle Library - Custom Hearthstone Card

Castle Library

8th July, 2022 (RR)

Made by DustenStein

DustenStein (creator)1 year ago
There you can also find the names of the suspects which is great if you want to try to predict them as perfectly as possible
DustenStein (creator)1 year ago
I found this art here
(official btw) so I can say for a fact, by method of exclusion (we have seen rogue, dh, warrior, shaman, hunter, paladin, mage, priest, and druid already) that this is where Rafaam will be, given he is a Warlock (which he is)
FriendlyShadow 1 year ago
Rafam was definetly not here.
DustenStein (creator)1 year ago
This one wasn't revealed yet, right? The art? Anyway, Rafaam's in the Library and with Jeklik strangly coming to Core, I have a sneaky suspicion we'll either get draw or discard lock support. "Discard a card of your choice" works the following:
After you use this, your hand will have a reddish glow, just like how the selected cards burn when you use Warlock's Duels Hero Power. Then, whichever card you play next will be discarded and the red glow will faint. Thoughts?