Azure Doom - Custom Hearthstone Card

Azure Doom

27th November, 2020 (RR)

samuraychik 3 years ago
Okay I thought about and i will make this card in a slightly different direction. surprised this even got to the gallery
Sqentontheslime 3 years ago
A 4/12 that costs 10 I mean.
Sqentontheslime 3 years ago
I reckon (and guess this might have been the Intent) it should stop the minion from attacking "This turn".
After that, the stats and cost could be modified, heck, you could make this add like, Three fear to your opponent's hand if you made this minion a 4/12 or something.
samuraychik 3 years ago
Should I just reduce stats?
Deloa 3 years ago
It seems very strong, it basically kills an enemy minion every turn (it's easy to get rid of it but still), most decks can't use a 'can't attack minion.
Also it's a 8 Mana 10/10 with a rather big upside.
Damon 3 years ago
the thing is, the minion keep "can't attack" and will be useless for your opponent if he don't have taunt.
samuraychik 3 years ago
am i crazy to doubt if this is strong?