Kazakus, Exiled - Custom Hearthstone Card

Kazakus, Exiled

26th May, 2019 (RR)

Made by hearthstone noob ()

HastyRagnaros 4 years ago
This + drakkari enchanter = VALUE
Cosmic14 4 years ago
Yeah, this is fun!
CardBoy.J 4 years ago
really cool card!
hearthstone noob (creator)4 years ago
Made voice lines, cause why not?
Play: Gadgetzan will pay for my exile!
Play vs Alchemist Wendy: Fool, you grasp what you cannot comprehend.
Attack: You know nothing of power!
Effect Triggering: An interesting result...
Adding Imps: You were completely useless anyways.
Destroying a Cauldron: Even the best make mistakes.
Wiener_Schnitzel 4 years ago
Chaotic and flavorful, simply love it
hearthstone noob (creator)4 years ago
Kazakus adds one of the 7 ingredients listed, or destroys the Cauldron individually from the rest. What is added to one is not necessarily added to all the others.
hearthstone noob (creator)4 years ago
"After Kazakus was exiled from Gadgetzan, he applied to be a member of the League of EVIL. All five top members agreed, but Dr. Boom was MUCH more interested in that “Kaza Kola” that Kazakus makes."