Call of Champion - Custom Hearthstone Card

Call of Champion

29th June, 2018 (WW)

Evacion 5 years ago
I like it, but for the sake of balance, DON'T make it odd-costed. 4/5
raven76 5 years ago
at least it doesn't buff odd paladin
Rino 5 years ago
Or a 1/1 with taunt and elusive lol, high rng for a such a decent play, but I agree at 3 cost is a minimum
insurancelizard 5 years ago
this is absurdly broken, turn 3 lost in the jungle and you end up with a 1/1 which can adapt twice... a 1/1 volcanosaur that you can add Blessing of Kings to on the next turn is extremely broken, should be a 3 cost at least
toothlessmon 5 years ago
super broken in wild turn summon 5 1/1's, then a 1/1 glavodaon...
BobMarley 5 years ago
So you choose the adaptations ?
Otherwise it's an amazing card !
Good job !
Rino 5 years ago
What do you guys think? I was considering making it a 1 mana cost, but would it be really broken at 1? Remember that you NEED to have additional SHR to actually adapt, otherwise its just a 1/1.