Spiteful Child - Custom Hearthstone Card

Spiteful Child

24th July, 2022 (RR)

Made by Murozondy

CakeIsGood 1 year ago
Murozondy (creator)1 year ago
The assumptions you make are interesting but none of those plays are broken, they are medium-good plays, I think. TY! :qnikkoHi:
Turba 1 year ago
This card is bonkers without class restriction. Imagine Plot Twist with this.. The Solarium/Malhezar's Imp/Hand of Gul'dan..
Rogue and Demon hunter have insane card draw too. Even Handmaiden Priest works and the wors part is: If you dont have any synergy with this card it is "At the start of your turn, deal 1 to all enemy minions." which already puts a lot of pressure as an effect of a 3 mana minion.
Murozondy (creator)1 year ago
"Deadly trick or fatal treat?"

Remade with 1 more cost and +1/+1. TY @Gosha and @Kapiork! :qnikkoHi: