Spymaster Eudora - Custom Hearthstone Card

Spymaster Eudora

1st June, 2019 (RR)

Made by Kovachut ()

Kovachut (creator)4 years ago
@ Goochini

I explained it in my new card:

"The reason why I didn't:

- change the spy's card description was because I feared the outcry of some people losing to bad card draw RNG. Just imagine how frustrated you would be to draw a worthless 2/2 instead of a taunt minion, a healing tool or an AoE in a critical moment. People would complain that they are unable to counter Eudora's effect. Not only that, but the spies could be multiplied with Spirit of the Shark, Shadowstep and other bounce effects, so I didn't want her to cause frustrating moments."
Goochini 4 years ago
For 8 mana*
Goochini 4 years ago
Super late response (sorry) but I don’t think that playing this with spirit is broken at all, it’s an eight mana total investment in which you lose a lot of tempo for not much gain
Deloa 4 years ago
It's quite a unique effect so I don't know if it's good or not, but it's certainly not crazy OP.
Kovachut (creator)4 years ago
Thank you all for the feedback. I was aware that my card needed a tweak or two before I could call it finished, but that's why I wanted to hear out different PoVs. I wondered how much the ability to scout the opponent's hand contents "costs" in hearthstone and how properly should I handle it.

The reason why Eudora and her spy look like this is because KittyQueen thought the previous design was way too OP. Initially, the vulpera was a 3 mana 3/3 and the token didn't draw a card.

Since a lot of people (incl. myself) want to see a stronger version of her, here are some options:
- Revert Eudora to her previous version;
- Follow Goochini's advice and remove the draw effect from the spy;
- Follow Stevethebarbarian's advice and make her a 4/5;
- make her a 4/4 and a neutral (though this might hurt her flavour a bit).

All of those fixes sound good to me, so I need some time to decide how I want the spy to look like - whether it should draw a card or dilute the opponent's deck (though it might be too strong with the spirit). I could also give Eudora the pirate tag as an additional in-direct buff. I'll see.

Thanks again!
Stevethebarbarian 4 years ago
No way is this OP. In fact, I wouldn't want to run this at all. It gives your opponent a free 2/2/2 in hand and that's on top of it being understatted. If anything, if the Spy draws a card, Eudora should have vanilla stats.
Goochini 4 years ago
I don’t see why sneaky spy needs to draw an extra card, you already sacrifice a lot playing this anyway so I think giving them a dead draw is ok
kala 4 years ago
In what world is a behind-tempo card for rogue that gives you a chance at some hand info "broken beyond belief?" I can't honestly think of a rogue deck that would run this as-is.
Kovachut (creator)4 years ago
@ Cosmis14 - ty for the tips

@ KittyQueen

I knew you would overreact like this. :P Yesterday I went to sleep, when you replied to me, so I couldn't write you back.

I don't understand what you are so afraid of. The information Eudora gives you might be valuable and I am aware of that, BUT the thing that makes her weak in my eyes is the fact, that she doesn't synergise with your deck.

You think, that the info leak is a huge advantage, but that's not true in this case. I know for a fact, that no aggro rogue would want Eudora in their decks. She doesn't buff your minions, nor your weapon, she doesn't summon anything for you and she doesn't draw you cards. And you mustn't forget this, because this is rogue we are talking about. A class, with no AoEs, that mainly relies on being ahead on the board to thrive. And as I said in my previous card attempt, if you play around stuff like Brawl by developing a small board, you just give your opponent more time to draw and play their late-game things. You have to play in an AoE sooner or later, that's inevitable.

The same way was mage casting Pyroblast on my face, despite Chameleos informing me of that spell's presence in my opponent's hand. I know that the 1/1 priest legendary is bad due to various reasons and that Eudora reveals more cards, but my point is that if there is a card in the opponent's hand, which I don't have an answer to, then I can't stop it no matter what.

Also, I liked how you purposely ignored my previous comment on how Eudora is a one-of in the deck, meaning that you will rarely draw her early on and in the late game she isn't really useful to you, because with fewer cards in the opponent's deck the enemy will find the spy faster. Not to mention, that their hand stays hidden, so any card drawn before or generated after Eudora was played will be unknown. And thanks to additional text, the enemy won't get screwed when drawing the token.
Cosmic14 4 years ago
HOWEVER. It is a good concept and with some tweaks (Stats/cost of either or both minions) this could become a difficult to pull off, but rewarding (in some cases) card.

Basicly, keep up the good work. In the meantime might i Suggest teh following:

-Increased cost for Eudora

-Replace Battlecry with Combo

-Increse stats of the Sneaky spy by +1/+1 or +2+2.

Again, these are just suggestions. You do what you what, it's your card after all. Srsly, keep up the good work.
KittyQueen 4 years ago
Oh cool.
It is still absolutely broken beyond belief.
Good job.

This effect is worth like 10+ mana on it's own if not more, you can't ever print this, the effect is way too op, like god is it op.

You can't just make a card that ALWAYS makes it so you know what your opponent has with sometimes a chance of maybe getting disabled.

In the cases where it's not disabled the drawback is petty and weak and what you gain is way too op
Kovachut (creator)4 years ago
A modified version thanks to KittyQueen's feedback.