Chromie - Custom Hearthstone Card


21st August, 2022 (RR)

Made by noobking1 ()

RasmusVJS (3.9)1 year ago
Or check what your next draws are.
LordHS 1 year ago
So you can use it for miss letal, bad random effect or to revel secret ?
CakeIsGood 1 year ago
look at the first comment
1tab1tab 1 year ago
wait, play this the alteration, start your turn over, with chromie, repeat forever until your opponent concedes.
tridantus 1 year ago
Achievement Idea: play this card 47 times
FriendlyShadow 1 year ago
@noobking1, ratings are high first then the non-creator users rate.
noobking1 (creator)1 year ago
dang, for a second I thought I could've last a bit more in top 3...
noobking1 (creator)1 year ago
CakeIsGood 1 year ago
:gonk: :gonk:
CakeIsGood 1 year ago
god i was on my way finding a dragon art and editing a beard on and i found this
Murozondy 1 year ago
gnome girls are some of the hottest ever imo. Chromie is actually a male dragon, but in her female gnome form she is even sexier :reno: :gonk: :gonk: :banana: :banana: :banana:
noobking1 (creator)1 year ago
uhh, what about a dragon?
FriendlyShadow 1 year ago
@CakeIsGood, I think ogre women is hot.
CakeIsGood 1 year ago
i dont agree with murozondy
gnome women arent hot
or atleast i havent seen one
But gnome men oghhh :illidon: :gonk:
Murozondy 1 year ago
Nice! :gonk: :banana:
RasmusVJS (3.9)1 year ago
I like the idea of introducing reversing actions into the main game. When brainstorming for an "alternate time line" themed set, I came up with the idea of a "rewind" mechanic, where cards with Rewind gave you a temporary card that reverted your last action. This is also a way to do it, though might revert a bit too much at once, particularly since you don't get more time.
FriendlyShadow 1 year ago
It's really cool. Not sure what is this good for, but Hand decks, like Warlock or something can use it wisely.
noobking1 (creator)1 year ago
thoughts? btw alterations don't reset your turn timer...