Archer Junior - Custom Hearthstone Card

Archer Junior

26th August, 2020 (RR)

Made by petebar

Shoemanband 3 years ago
I'm not saying there's no upside to playing this, but it's too situational given Hunter's current arsenal, especially if you compare it to other classes. Eaglehorn Bow and Stormhammer aren't worse 1 Mana cheaper, but they're just pre-nerf Fiery War Axes without their synergy cards. If you're giving up a card slot for a 1 Mana 2/1, wouldn't you rather want to discount Truesilver Champion, Self-Sharpening Sword, Doomhammer, Wrenchcalibur, or Warglaives of Azzinoth?
petebar (creator)3 years ago
@xOwleyex Exactly. A discount wouldn't bother anyone.
xOwleyex 3 years ago
The upside of this is you don't need to have a weapon in hand and don't need to play it in certain number of turn. This follow up with 2 mana 3/2 weapon on turn 2 is not bad at all, and if this doesn't happen, you still get the discount for much later turns.
TheArcanist (4.4)3 years ago
Eaglehorn Bow on T2? But then it messes up your curve after a Secret. I don't know.
Shoemanband 3 years ago
What weapon does Hunter have that they would want to equip one turn earlier? They're most expensive stuff is Gladiator's Longbow and Rhok'delar, but other than those two, Hunter weapons are rather cheap. This effect would make more sense in Warrior.