Restless Hero - Custom Hearthstone Card

Restless Hero

22nd June, 2018 (WW)

Made by jadeOP

jadeOP (creator)5 years ago
Also, enjoy the short time this card is rated even bigger than ben brode, lol
jadeOP (creator)5 years ago
yeah @MelaMalone lifesteal is a bit of a problem with the wording, i said in the description how i wish it worked, but i know wording make it confuse. But they way you say it triggers only when you heal a minion, and paladin has the better stuff to heal himself, like djin, truesilver champion... and that way lifesteal problem is solved but ruins other stuff too
But well, it can recive a bug fix later to fix that, cause its not a nerf, right? xD
MelaMalone 5 years ago
Lifesteal ruins it a bit as they would not only heal your Hero, but heal themselves up from the dead. However, if you word it differently, let's say; "If your deck has no spells dealing damage, healing a minion will heal all friendly characters for the same amount" or something like that, we got ourselves a pretty neat card. That wording is bypassing the Lifesteal effect as it has to be a minion.
toothlessmon 5 years ago
I Think its perfectly ballenced, i mean your also cutting hammer of justice, not to mention we all know heal is no where close to viable...
jadeOP (creator)5 years ago
:( okey, if someone else thinks same ill redo-it
thanks for the feedback :D
Levair 5 years ago
Way too OP my dude, you just cut Consecration and now your board of high-hp taunts is unkillable
jadeOP (creator)5 years ago
for example, benevolent djin would restore 3 health to all friendly characters, and lifesteal minions would also heal all minions.
Note: they heal themselves but if their health goes below 0 , they would die first than healing themselves