Caller of Storms - Custom Hearthstone Card

Caller of Storms

28th December, 2020 (RR)

Made by Sofalax

Stevethebarbarian 3 years ago
I don't have any proper evidence of this, but I'm fairly confident the Battlecry will trigger first.
Marleon (4.2)3 years ago
I wonder how is the interaction with Splitting Axe. What triggers first if you play Axe to replace this. Probably Deathrattle -> Battlecry
TheArcanist (4.4)3 years ago
This on 3 + swing, swing on 4, then swing + Windshear Stormcaller on 5. Me likey.
Marleon (4.2)3 years ago
I think Overload is always in the last line of text of a card