Methodical Approach - Custom Hearthstone Card

Methodical Approach

1st August, 2021 (RR)

Made by ADankHeadHunter

FriendlyShadow 2 years ago
I like you building Rogue around Bleed.
Me Like This... buuuuuuuuut too aggressive, which is dangerous for the game.
Horrible At Puzzles 2 years ago
i thought bleed was deal 2 damage to hero who drew this and i was so confused by this lmao
DustenStein 2 years ago
That's a LOT of :smorc: damage jesus christ. I imagine this extremely unfun to play against since this is uninteractive Bomb Warrior but your opponent gets to choose when you draw the Bombs
ADankHeadHunter (creator)2 years ago
Also heads up. Methodical Approach's reward happens before the next questline so it doesn't count towards the next ones questline. And for those who don't know 'Bleed' is a card made by the new United in Stormwind card " Garrote" that is Cast When Drawn and deals 2 damage to the enemy hero
ADankHeadHunter (creator)2 years ago
An idea for a Bleed/Shuffle Rogue archtype. Including a questline and support cards. Perhaps this is a chance for Shek'zara to shine? Thoughts and/or questions?