Hissing Trap - Custom Hearthstone Card

Hissing Trap

24th August, 2020 (RR)

Made by Gothe

Gothe (creator)3 years ago
@petebar and @Thestalost I tried comparing it the existing Hunter secrets. Pack Tactics summons a 3/3 copy of your guy, pressure plate straight up destroys a minion, Explosive trap deals 2 to all enemy minions, Wandering monster summons a random 3 drop (on average 3/3 or 3/4).
Thestalost 3 years ago
This card could be fine with just giving Poisonous. The 4 health is an overkill, and without it, the idea is not really that original.
petebar 3 years ago
I'd suggest giving the minion +3 Health instead of 4 just to because Emperor Cobra is a 2/3 .-. Great card btw, upvote!
Gothe (creator)3 years ago
Hm. This 1/1 my opponent left up couldn't possibly be a trap for my 8/8 Giant.