Elise Deathweaver - Custom Hearthstone Card

Elise Deathweaver

29th September, 2019 (RR)

Made by DragonicDoom

Quantum 4 years ago
Elise the Crystal Core
Gothe 4 years ago
I think what Stevethebarbarian said is the best way to word the hero power. It's not perfect, but it does solve the problem.
Kosmyc (3.5)4 years ago
DragonicDoom (creator)4 years ago
Alright, how about "Your minions cost (7). After you play a minion, set its Attack and Health to 7." That way it can't affect minions you summon with spells, or minions on the board.
LordPebbleton 4 years ago
Nice card, but the hero power makes it look like minions already in the field become also 7/7. That would be insanely powerful.
DragonicDoom (creator)4 years ago
I found it on r/hearthstone
orooz 4 years ago
I need this art ! Where did you find it ?
Stevethebarbarian 4 years ago
"Minions you play are 7/7 and cost (7)." That seems like the simplest solution from my perspective.
DragonicDoom (creator)4 years ago
@Gothe You raise a very valid point, I didn't even think about that to be honest. Hmm, maybe it could be "Minions played from your hand are 7/7 and cost (7)." That way it should work and nullify the possibility of summoning massive boards too quickly.
Gothe 4 years ago
@Shoemanband I was thinking something like that could fix it. But would they then cease to be 7/7s once they leave your hand? I dunno, maybe not.
Shoemanband 4 years ago
@Gothe To avoid that interaction, the Hero Power could say "Minions in your hand are 7/7 and cost (7)."
Gothe 4 years ago
I do like the battlecry choose one or all though
Gothe 4 years ago
The hero power is WAY too strong with Token Druid. Forest's Aid now summons five 7/7s. Other such swarm cards now summon 7/7 minions.Living Mana can summon potentially 7 7/7s. That one card that summons Dryads now summons 2 7/7s with Lifesteal. It looks like Quest Druid but on steroids.
DragonicDoom (creator)4 years ago
Thanks mate, the Hero Power is basically Big/Avianna/Star Aligner Druid. Not too sure about the Avianna interaction, though I think in the name of fun and more Avianna highlights your minions should cost (1).
Cosmic14 4 years ago
Nice take on Death Knight Elise.