Hall Monitor Stellina - Custom Hearthstone Card

Hall Monitor Stellina

12th May, 2022 (RR)

Made by Murghlinwall ()

Murozondy 1 year ago
great idea!
Burgermaker 1 year ago
I think Perceptive Blade might be too strong
Nekkro 1 year ago
It's really cool.

My only serious observations is that there are too many weapons. And they are varied enough to be too much to remember in one card. Although, it can become acceptable.

In Runic Totemic...one could argue that technically it's art is already in the game, which can be overlooked, but it would be a shame because the rest of the relics have very good and interesting art.

And the name of the card is very similar to Star Student Stelina, and I'm assuming they are different characters, but if they are the same, It should be "Stelina" with a single "L".

But they are all minor details. The card and concept is really lovely. :qWOW:
Murghlinwall (4.3) (creator)1 year ago
this might not need the minion and could just be a neutral spell but that never feels right to me, lmk what you guys think!