Avatar of Ra - Custom Hearthstone Card

Avatar of Ra

14th September, 2019 (RR)

Made by Shoemanband

keyvnn9 4 years ago
The thing is that this scales exponentially with itself. Also probably too powerful with Mogu Cultist.
Pajaama 4 years ago
I think this should maybe be a bit higher mana cost, but I think people are overestimating the effect. Quest shaman already has near infinite lackeys, so this being the same stats as barista lynchen would be fine
MosnarNoedig 4 years ago
There's also the Mogu Cultist potential.
Shoemanband (creator)4 years ago
@Turba I think you're overvaluing the ability to copy 1 drops. Ramkahen Wildtamer is only useful for copying big minions, like a Savannah Highmane or a discounted King Krush, but since small minions have less impact later in the game, it's not as worthwhile to copy them.
I do agree that it looks pretty crazy in Quest Shaman, but the deck suffers from aggro, not resource generation. Likewise with Tekahn, those decks already excel at generating low-cost minions, and giving them more tools for that isn't game-breaking, it's just greedy.
i_dont_like_hearthca 4 years ago
I think it's a well designed effect, the only problem being how well it curves with lackey generators. Maybe bump it up to 5 mana 5/5 so there's more of a gap where you're deprived of playing your lackeys?
Turba 4 years ago
I guess Bwosambi interaction isnt too dangerous so it could be a Priest card too.
Turba 4 years ago
To fix this you could make it a Paladin card because Paladin doesnt use Lackeys nor has Shaman Quest.
Turba 4 years ago
This is stiupidly broken. Lets compare this to Ramkahen Wildtamer. If it copies 0-1 minions, RW is better. If it copies 2 Avatar is better. If it copies 3+ it becomes god tier. This card can be played with Lackeys and new Shaman Quest. That makes it absolutely insane.
TheArcanist (4.4)4 years ago
This has some crazy potential with Lackeys, especially with Tekahn.
Shoemanband (creator)4 years ago