Shandris Feathermoon - Custom Hearthstone Card

Shandris Feathermoon

11th June, 2019 (RR)

HearthStoner 4 years ago
So a legendary... thats meant for playing a giant?
Cosmic14 4 years ago
By fire, be purged!
Kovachut 4 years ago
Btw I am not saying, that Shandris would be as good as NSW was. I just wanted to point out the combo, she would be used for.
Kovachut 4 years ago
This kinda reminds me of Naga Sea Witch before she got nerfed. You would play Shandris on turn 5, in order to cheat out a giant.

So here is your answer, HearthStoner.
HearthStoner 4 years ago
What would this be used for?? This is not a good card.