Adam Stardust - Custom Hearthstone Card

Adam Stardust

6th July, 2022 (RR)

Made by gardenghi16

DustenStein 1 year ago
Although the speed is quite low there and his attack is surprisingly high. Didn't consider that :chicken:
DustenStein 1 year ago
Song of Rest Refreshes itself which is weird. Vicious Mockery seems fine to me, although I wouldn't make it Shadow
HolyBrandon 1 year ago
I am a crazy mercenaries player, and i can say vicious mockery is too busted, WAY too busted, should be 7 attack?

Song of rest is also broken, kinda, maybe the healing could be 14

Bardic inspir is really well designed, nice!

the lute is great, from flavor and design standpoint.

charming flute is too good, he would be too tanking with it, since you can't really nerf it i think he should have 7 less health

drums of war is too weak in pve, idk about pvp. but i think it's a sick design also.

overall great card :D
gardenghi16 (4.7) (creator)1 year ago
This is a rework of my OC Mercenary made some months ago. Hope you guys enjoy it :)