Chromatic Call - Custom Hearthstone Card

Chromatic Call

5th May, 2022 (RR)

Made by TheArcanist

TheArcanist (4.4) (creator)1 year ago
3 mana 4/4 Rush would be way too good. And since a 4 mana 4/4 Rush is just one stat below vanilla, I thought this was fine. And definitely not repeating for each spell school, that could get out of hand very quickly.
Murozondy 1 year ago
MaelstromZ 1 year ago
Since the requirement is holding 3 different schools, what you might be able to do is:

1. Make this 3 mana.
2. Repeat for each different spell school you're holding (probably increase the cost a little).

Very cool art and design.
TheArcanist (4.4) (creator)1 year ago
High-tempo card for a Mage deck with multiple spell schools. Thoughts?