Filthcradle Acolyte - Custom Hearthstone Card

Filthcradle Acolyte

20th February, 2023 (RR)

Made by Mr.Rhapsody X

DustenStein 1 year ago
I'd make it draw 3 cards but up the Cost a bit. The more cards you draw, the more punishing it is if you run Neutral cards. If you make this a 3 mana spell that draws 3 cards and discards Neutral ones, I think it would be decent. You could make it a 1/1 if you wanted but does it even mayter at that point?
MyManMako 1 year ago
I believe this card is too strong in its current state. Maybe make it a 1/1? I think it would compensate for the effect.
Murghlinwall (4.3)1 year ago
seems far too strong in something like imps, or honestly anything. warlock doesnt have a ton of trouble making their cards good this is just a 1-mana draw 2