Atsila, Revenant of Revendreth - Custom Hearthstone Card

Atsila, Revenant of Revendreth

1st July, 2022 (RR)

Made by Ignitortube

CakeIsGood 1 year ago
just play token dh/ control and it could grow to be atleast 10 damage really fast.
CakeIsGood 1 year ago
this is wayy to strong
Kosmyc (3.5)1 year ago
I don't really like the idea of Zoo Demon Hunter gaining what's essentially a damage wincon for sing their rush minions. I mean, Expendable Performers alone makes this a 3 mana Malygos'd Pyroblast.
Murozondy 1 year ago
Ignitortube (creator)1 year ago
"The lord will be avenged!"