Energy Vampire - Custom Hearthstone Card

Energy Vampire

15th March, 2022 (RR)

Made by King Kuba ()

Nekkro 2 years ago
Well. You can pop an egg, double the battlecry...and...that's it.
I like the flavor. I have met people at work who have dealt me 3pts of emotional damage to gain +3 Health...and a promotion.
King Kuba (creator)2 years ago
@DustenStein I made it able to hit your hero on purpose, having in mind what I'm planning in my expansion. Eggs are also a cool thing to use it on if you want to :)
DustenStein 2 years ago
I feel like it's a bit unnecessary. What if this required you to hit minions to get the +3 Health? Because this would be exclusively used on face
King Kuba (creator)2 years ago
@DustenStein For flavor reasons, also it's healthier when you summon it randomly
DustenStein 2 years ago
Why not 2 mana 3/5 "deal 3 damage to a friendly character"?
Murozondy 2 years ago
Very nice!